Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Yuck, Packing

Man I hate packing. I have 4 boxes of movies alone... I haven't even started on the books. I bought 6 totes from Costco and have already used 3 of them. 75%of my clothes are packed as well. Having lived at the same house for 5 or so years I have accumulated way too much crap. The parental units want me to stay two months with them before I find a place to rent, but I don't know if I can stand to be away from Flick that long (leaving him in OC while I find a place to reduce his stress), nor can I flood their house with all my crap. Moving sucks.


wildtomato said...

One of the Units told me that you would be staying there for at least 3 months...

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Flick has always been a pampered kitty.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, moving does suck. Big time. It's hard to live a simple lifestyle in this consumer-based society; buy this, buy that, the person with the most toys wins. Sure they do. Until moving day comes, then they lose. Anyway, good luck on that garage sale!