Monday, July 30, 2007

My Last Day at Work

Well I don't know if I can call today my last day at work as I did not really clock in. I just showed up, thanked everyone, turned in keys, talked to my AOM and left. Now that I have calmed down from my last work post I can truly say that I will miss almost everyone at the office. For all of the faults that my former company had, the people were the best. And as we all know you will not like all the people all of the time. But generally I really loved my team. EVERYONE on my team, regardless of what recently went down or what happened in the past. It was the first time in my career I had an awesome team all around. Sonia, Liz, Dulce, Christina, The Doctors, Crispy, Lief, Carol, Nick the Brick, The Canadian, and even Lionel were the best set of co workers I have ever had. Despite my last rant, I will miss you all. But I won't miss the red headed beast ;) Peace out. And if you are reading my blog, please comment so I know who reads.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey russ. thanks for the update. we'll miss you.
