Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Teaching Interview

This morning I got a phone call from the Superintendent of Caruthers school district. I had previously applied for 2 positions with that district and this was the call back. My old high school principal had put in a good word for me and I have an interview with them on Thursday afternoon.
Now I had thought long and hard about this as I love Orange County and So Cal in general. However I want to teach, I feel that given the chance I will make an excellent teacher. I have had a really hard time finding a teaching position in Southern Cal. The politics are a turn off. So for the past two years, because I liked a normal schedule and because I needed money I have spent my time in retail.

With the some recent changes in my life, this is an opportunity that I can not pass up. If a district is willing to give me a chance and let me teach and help me clear my credential that I am all for it. Yes I would be returning to the Central Valley, which pleases the Parental Units (as my sister calls them hahaha), however the experience I gain as a teacher is worth leaving the OC for as my credential is set to expire in Feb 09. This could be the door that I have needed to move up to a position in So Cal later on.

I do not know what the future holds for me, but right now I need to focus on the career and if that takes me to the small town of Caruthers, then so be it. I am a teacher who has not been given the chance to teach. Hopefully I will get my first classroom.

1 comment:

wildtomato said...

Good luck on the interview! I think a change of location would be good for you.

Ha ha, I had to look up where Caruthers is because it sounded familiar.