Thursday, July 26, 2007

Interview update

Well I just got back from my interview. Traffic was fine up until LA just before LAX up until a little before Long Beach.

The interview went well I think. But I don't want to Jinx it. The Superintendent asked me a lot of questions (it was a one on one interview). A lot of then centered on why would a person from OC want to teach in his little district and that I must have applied to other districts and have more interviews. He also asked me about my knowledge of Caruthers. I would have been able to do more research the night before if the Parental Units would just get high speed internet and get off of the dial up. All in all they seemed interested in me and I had a long 1 hour 20-30 minute interview. I will get a call sometime next week on whether they will go forward with me or not. Nonetheless a great interview I thought.

1 comment:

wildtomato said...

I don't understand why the Units don't bundle their Internet with their cable. It wouldn't be that much more money. Well, if you move back there, you can get that set up for them! Dial up is a chore.

Caruthers probably wouldn't be so bad. You'd get to hang out with your best friends and you'd have time to save up for a house.

Good luck! We all have our fingers (and paws) crossed for you!