Friday, September 28, 2007

So Scary

So today while I was shopping at Costco #31 in Fresno for Tennis Balls for the team. I got 30 cans, enough for 5 games. I hope that is enough..... I also purchased a 80 GB Ipod. I should have known something was up when the box was not wrapped, but only sealed with the Costco services sticker. Well I opened it an hour or two later and there was no Ipod... I was scared. Not because it was missing, but because I thought Costco was going to stick it to me. I mean I am at a disadvantage here. I didn't do anything, but they could say I hid the ipod, but I think with the seal still in place, although broken, was enough proof for them. But man when the Manager took forever to bring a new one out I thought he wad going to come back and say sorry, you are a thief. But he didn't He brought out a new sealed one and he opened it himself and together we marveled at the Ipod. I am happy now. New bigger Ipod will be up and operational by Niner Game. I almost got a new nano, but man there was a 50 dollar difference for a Nano 8GB and an 80GB normal.... for 50 bones more I got 72 more GB... no contest... and besides I have a nano that sits on my Ihome alarm clock ;)

You know sometimes you feel good about putting yourself out there and taking a chance. You really do. But then when nothing happens, you wonder if it was worth it. You start saying things like "No shame in silver." I mean... what does that mean? NOTHING! Yeah. So I took a risk, it didn't pay off, or hasn't yet, or something. So I laid all my cards, or most of them out on the table and it wasn't enough. Sometimes just trying is enough, but man when the end result is not what you envisioned, or not even close... it hurts. And you feel lame, empty and worthless. All of the suprised joy I had yesterday seemed to wither away by this morning, heck even last night as I was up late chatting with the Baron..... I don't know.... well at least I took the risk and "Ain't no shame in Silver." LOL

BTW I killed like 5 flies in my classroom just now, and I think that is all of them, or at least they are leaving me alone. In 30 minutes it is off to the fair to man a Booster Food booth, until one of the Unit's shows up then I go and take over my gate. Lightsabre and Wooden chair and all. Go Blue Raiders!!! FOOTBALL FOOTBALL FOOTBALL.... oh yeah this is football weekend... BLue Raiders vs. Tranquality HS. Bulldogs vs. someone. THen on Sunday the crown jewel of them all, Niners vs. Seahawks. I haven't picked my jersey yet either. I kind want to wear Rumph but he is no niner, Garcia is too big and The Baron might wear it, Norton... maybe.. Rattay... no... sigh. Looks like it will be Steve Young ... AGAIN!!! hahahahaha

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