Monday, September 3, 2007

New House

Everyone knows that I am the type of guy who would rather pay towards a house than rent. So this past week I have been toying with the idea of getting a house. There is a nice place called European Grove in NE Fresno. I took the Units and The Rear Admiral Lower Half and checked them out. Where they house itself is on the small end, it is a good starter house. 1187 sq feet. I am looking at between 216k-220k perhaps and with my monthly this is doable. The Units look like they will help out with the deposit (I'll be paying them back) and perhaps some of a possible Down payment. The draw back is staying at the Unit's home for the next 6-8 months while the place is being built. On the bright side though this allows me to save up money.

I am excited, in less than a year Flick will have a new home and so will Helo and River :) and Maybe one other guinea pig.


wildtomato said...

Wow, that's great! Those houses look cute, too.

TofuNinja said...

Yeah they are just the right size for one person and two Indoor Cats. Not sure it would be Vespa and Mingus sized. heh heh heh Those two would scare the bejesus out of Flick and Helo