Thursday, October 4, 2007

It finally happened

Well our girls finally lost 0-9. It was to the team in the league and beats up on every one. So we are now 0-5 in league. Again I don't mind losing cause my girls found a personal win. Only two of the teams got blanked today. Our number 3 doubles (two beginners) and our Number 3, who was a target because she beat them last time. Other than that we did ok. The other team would get SOOOOOO pissed when we would win a game, but lose the match. They have a drawing that if you beat a girl 8-0 you get a ticket or something. WHat the hell is that? One of my girls was losing 3-0 and I talked to her and asked her how she was doing. Gave her a funny but serious pep talk that involved walkign into their house and drinking from their fridge. And not to get bageled. I told her, you win one game, just watch how pissed off she gets. She won that next game and true enough her girl got pissed and complained about not getting a ticket. Fun huh. oh well. My girls come out smiles and that is what makes it worth it.

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