Saturday, October 6, 2007


Well I have now survived my first Homecoming and Caruthers Fair week. I guess this is the big two for new teachers. The third will be graduation. Fair week was not that bad. I had a few away games, but for the most part it was ok and besides the drama on the team. I think that the team is a little better off now. But not at 100%. We have a new ladder and captain for the second half. Speaking of Tennis, I worked a small portion of the boosters food booth, that was crazy, Coach Unit worked the bulk of it, and I am thankful that he did. I guarded my gate with ease during the fair game.

Homecoming was different. I was a judge at the rally on Friday. I wore Disney on Monday, A lame but funny Pope/Bishop like crown on Tuesday, and nothing on Mickey Mouse day. I guarded my gate and watched JV dominate and Varsity struggle a little bit. My awesome blue light saber was a hit with everyone. Apparently because I was in all black and a blue tie, from the stands you could see the blade (like I promised) but you couldn't see me. So you'd just see the blade flying around hahaha. NICE!

After the game I just wanted to see what the Homecoming dance looked like as I never went to my own high school dances. In fact I have more school spirit today than I did in college and in High School. In college I had Alpha Phi Omega pride! Well I was not scheduled for the dance but ended up staying. Again my jedi blade provided good entertainment and I saw a lot more of my kids. Me and the kids know each other better now so it is all good. Not as strange as before. I talked to them, joked with them and well didn't dance with them, but showed them what little moves I had hahaha.

Well time to work on other stuff. Have a good weekend, though I may post again... probably will since I am an internet junking... so sad.

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