Saturday, October 27, 2007

I hate being alone

Trust me I am fine with the split. I've accepted it and moved on. Looking back it was for the best. The one thing that I can not get used to is being alone. I mean true I have my kitties and my parents and friends. But for example, this weekend, my best friends are busy, one up north, one down south. Outside of school I don't really do much.... it must be no wonder I throw myself so much into my work. I think it is there that I am without a shadow of a doubt truly happy. Outside of work I am happy most of the time. It is days like this that feel it. Bored, lonely, and feeling empty. I sometimes wonder if I did this to myself or... if Karma is a bitch, what I did to others to deserve this. It sucks. But I'll get over it too. Still not up to seeing movies by myself.... It was sad man, I went to the Asian Bar that I like to watch the Fresno State Game. First time I drank alone.... but don't you worry, I still am not a fan of the drink and I know my limit. I must have wasted like 20-25% of my Lychee Sake, which by the way totally rules. But man I felt like crap when the Bartender asked me if I was waiting for someone..... Who goes to a bar alone I guess..... it's true.... man not sure if I could eat out alone or even see a movie alone. I guess I am more social than I thought... strange huh. Well I'll have to get over it.... I am positive that I can learn to be alone, live alone, eat alone, drink alone, and most of all be happy alone. I have a long lonely trip ahead of me, but I know that I can do it. I always have. That is the only thing that I am sure of, that I will succeed in whatever I do. Even if that success is achieved alone.

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