Saturday, August 25, 2007

Guess what I got?!?!

Used a BN gift card to purchase William Shatner's Has Been. Now I know what you are thinking, this has to be a joke. BUT NO!! this is not a joke. This is serious. William Shatner with the help of Ben Folds from the Ben Folds Five made this great album. Spoken word and music mix together nicely. Common People is such a good song and the Album version is slightly different from the dl I have, but that's a good thing. And the song titled That's Me Trying is so heart felt and powerfully moving. Ok, now that I sound like a wussy I'll end it here.


Baron von Hungster said...

Hey wassup.... WUSSY. Hehe... just kidding bro. ;p Hey, I left you a comment, didn't I? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff to laugh to...Thanks!