Sunday, March 9, 2008

Fresno Drivers Suck

When I was growing up I had thought that Drivers iN Fresno were pretty darn good. Whenever we would go to SF or LA areas it was crazy. However after spending 111 years down south I can safely say OC/LA drivers have it down. Perhaps even SF drivers. They drive fast and for the most part safe. Maybe it is because I got used to it there. I don't know. I suppose I can't really talk as I got into a crash last year here in Fresno... even though I did tell friends that I would end up in one sooner or later cause Fresno drivers suck... irony, I was at fault... ha!

But I have noticed that people here just drive stupidly. More so then other places... I see it in my morning commute. It is foggy and there are people driving dark... meaning no lights on. No lights on in the rain. etc.

Today, I was driving past Costco, There are TWO cars waiting to make a right into the street from the parking lot. I pass the first one no issues, even though she inched a little, I can deal, I do that sometimes too. However the second car, when I am about 10 yards from her pulls out right infront of me without looking......She sees me as I hit my breaks, gets a surprised look, then gives me a dirty look like it was my fault.... yes lady, I appeared out of no where..... give me a break, I was going 5 miles per hour UNDER the speed limit and you didn't even bother to look right to make sure you were clear... it was your fault....

I suppose since no one is hurt there is no harm... but still..... Fresno Drivers suck.

Here is a random picture of Flick in a box

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