Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sleeping in..... and ummm Headlocks

I have noticed something about sleeping in these past three weekends.... two of which were three day weekends... GOT TO LOVE!!! Public schools whooooo!!!

I get up every weekday more or less between 5:25 and 6am. So on the weekends, if I "sleep in" until say 7am.... which really isn't sleeping in.... I feel like I've slept in..... Not sure if this is good or bad....... I really don't.... good I suppose because I don't waste half of my weekend snoozing.... Just thought I'd share.

Well last week the GF, myself and a teacher friend went to WWE. For everyone but me it was their first time. The first four matches of this house show were boring or average at best. BTW, a house show is just a show they put on that is not aired on TV so it doesn't really count... rarely do titles change hands... it is just good ol' fun... or in the case of the first four matches, torture.

Then the last four matches were awesome. My GF's favorite was Mr. Kennedy vs. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Whoooooo! I had told everyone in our little party of four, that whenever anyone, especially Ric Flair chops someone, to yell whoooo!, which they did and were surprised to find everyone else in the arena did too. I found out on Tuesday that my teacher friend was having fun abusing this with her newlywed Husband. In the car she would chop him playfully and then go "whooo!" So cute hahahaha!

THe other four were good, but the Flair vs. Kennedy was the best. Even though my GF jumped at a very close count between Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton, very close count.

The big shocker was my GF who had never seen wrestling thought it was good entertainment, even though she wouldn't watch this on her own I think.... well good enough that she went home and that weekend was watching wrestling on On date night she informed me that she had watched some and then I showed her some of the more classic ones on youtube... not so much the matches, but the vignettes or talking parts, she enjoyed the Rock, Goldust, Booker T, Paul Burchill as a pirate, etc. I do not think she will be a huge fan, but I am glad she had fun with it and was entertained.

She has already said that when WWE comes back to Fresno for a special saturday typing of ECW and Smackdown if I wanted to go she'd go with me. WHOOOOO!! hahaha

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