Friday, November 23, 2007

My Word....

I hate when people question my word. I am a stand up guy, when I say I will do something, it gets done. I have to admit I normally tend to leave out a deadline...... but I will get it done. What sparks this little entry? Well I had asked one of the Units about vesting for my new house... well this Unit had no idea and started to lecture me about fees and how that I am still on the title for the old house that I was liable. I explained to this Unit that I had taken care of that and true the state will come after me if needed, but she needs to refinance before I can get my name off completely. The Unit went on to say that I should FORCE her to do it because it is my money involved here as well. I tried to explain to this Unit that I can not force someone to do anything.

The Unit went on to say that this will bite me and that "They" will charge me more. I asked "Who will charge me more?" The response was " I don't want to argue with you." Again "Who will charge me more?" "Listen I'm not..." Finished the Unit's sentence "Answering my question... WHO will charge me more?" The Unit yells "The Bank!" I laugh because I have already taken care of this. My Loan officer even showed it to underwriting and said I am good. Not only to I have a Quit Claim Deed signed and notarized but my old roommate also provided me with 6 months of checks showing that I have NOT paid for the mortgage. I told the Unit this, but all I got was a shake of the head.

WHAT?!?! I informed said Unit that I have taken care of this, like I ALWAYS DO, but the Unit replied "When this blows up on you and IT WILL, then I will just say I told you so." My reply was "That won't happen because I take care of my stuff. I always have. When I say I'm going to do something it's as good as done. I have already been approved and am good to go." Still the shake of the head... screw that. There will be no "I told you so." sheesh. Sometimes this Unit acts like I am stupid and can't take care of my stuff.... but I can.......I can not wait to move out...... not that I am not thankful..... it is just I had to hold my tongue......pisses me off.......

To make matters worst, the Unit's computer is located in the room that I sleep in and this Unit has been addicted to and stays in the room until like 1am and I can't sleep when I want cause again I don't force people to do things they don't want to...... sigh. I am sooooo looking forward to my date tomorrow.

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