Sunday, January 6, 2008

Wingman's Job is never done

Well it seems so. Today after what was a good 2-3 mile walk with the Rear Admiral Lower Half, the two Rear Admirals (remember I'm the Upper Half) went to Sushi. After which The Lower Half needed a fresh pack of Cigs. So we stopped off at the Walgreens next to the place. The cashier was not old enough to sell cigs so they called an older person over. She was Asian, which the Lower Half likes, and she had a great smile, which the Lower Half really liked.... My friend peeps, not my lower half... sheesh. So after he bought the cigs, he went outside and smoked a pack I suggested that he go talk to her and get her number. He did not do it, but he honestly thought about it. He really did. Now this does not seem like much, but for my friend the fact that he ALMOST went in and talked to her instead of automatically saying NO was huge. There is hope for him yet. A wingman's job is never done.

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