Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So Hawt! Not Me, Fresno.....

Whoa, it is suppose to be 111 today according to my yahoo it is currently 97 and hazy. I hate the hazy part. Makes it hotter than it really is. I know I know I keep promising pictures and yet I have not gotten around them. I have some good ones, like Flick and tofu. hahaha They are all on Flickr and ready to go... just need to get motivated to do so.

My birthday week was a busy one. I know I am repeating some of these. It started on the Saturday before. The Units took me out and Melody (my lovely GF) to Tahoe Joe's for Dinner. They do not sing....yes. When the brought out the cheesecake and read me a quote, and I blow out the candle the old couple across the way also cheered and wished me happy birthday. That was nice. I got money from the units for ceiling fans (I'll get to that later) and the new WWE Rock DVD set from Melody.

On my actual Birthday, which fell on Date Night, I got a sprinkling of birthday wishes from my students via my Mr. Mar myspace page. That was nice. I got a call from my sister, Big John came over and bought me Pizza for lunch and we played Guitar Hero. Always fun. Then Melody came over, locked me in the computer room and went about setting up a TON, and I mean a TON of presents. We then went out to George's Arminian food and had dinner. I was surprised when Melody was able to eat the Lintel soup. She is a super taster and well there are things she can not eat because the flavors are too strong. There is a good They Might Be Giants Song called John Lee Supertaster that kind of explains it in simple terms, "A pear taste like a million pears" which means that she can taste things that we can not taste.... seafood is bad on her.

After dinner we came back and I opened presents and got a lot of stuff to make my "bacholor pad" look more homey. Tableclothe, placemats, napkins, pillows, and a throw blanket to better match with my futon. It's awesome. I also got a watch from her Mom and Sister and some Build a Bear clothes for Chase, who is currently in scuba gear with his friend Rogar Federbear.

The Next night Melody and I met up with Aunt Debbie and Dodie and her family for our weekly family dinner. Every week I have dinner with the Units. I thought since it was Aunt Debbie's birthday we should have the whole extended family over, everyone but Little Tyler was there. It was nice. Melody got to meet the other half of the family and they adored her. That means she is good to go as far as family goes. My dad's side loves her (she hasn't met Uncle Gerry and family) and my mom's side loves her.

Thursday I had Lunch with T-Bone (Tyler) at a Japanese place. It was nice that he remembered my Birthday this year as he tends to forget and is also the main player in one of the biggest BD disappointments in my life, but that is water under the bridge (curiosu that I brought it up though). He took me out to Edo-Ya we had a filling lunch. I also got my official Wedding invite from him.

Thursday night I talked Big John into watching Wanted. He came over, we played more Guitar Hero and WWE and then watched Wanted. He had put up intial resistance but I broke through it and it was good. My streak of movies I force him to watch that he loves extends. Kung Fu Panda is next for him lol.

Friday two more movies in Lemoore with Melody. First we watched Hancock, then I helped her and her sister and mom put up a canape (tent like thing) in the back yard, grilled chicken for them, and had dinner, watched WALL E and watched the Pyrotechnic show that Melody's Sister Heather put on. Melody's neighbor across the street joined the fun and brought sparklers. We also watched the dumbass boys from across the street light some fireworks and play with fire and aerosal cans.... lame. With the two movies watched, I have seen 8 of the top 10 movies, only two I haven't seen and won't see are Kit Katridge or something like that and Sex in the City.

On Saturday, Melody joined me as we went to my Aunt Dodie's 25th Annivsary celebration. It was just the wedding party. Everyone was amazed at how big I was (tall and belly I suppose) We had a blast at Max's Bistro. Good times. Melody hit it off with Uncle Rod's parents Mr. and Mrs. Lee and afterward she told me I have an amazing family. She really likes it having all this family as it is new to her. I love her so.

Sunday, I bought ceiling fans, three of them, and Heather came over with Melody and Quinn (dog) and we put them up. Heather is an amazing handy woman. THen I cooked dinner for them Tri Tip and Mashed Tators and grilled corn. We also played Wii.

Monday, John came over and helped me with my new 47 in TV, I needed his truck to transport it from Costco. Then we set it up, watched some HD even, I made Gin Ge Yuk and we played some more Guitar Hero.

And yesterday (long post) Melody came over for Date Night and we enjoyed the TV, I made Yaki Soba and we played Wii Fit, Guitar Hero, and Marval Ultimate Alliance.

That is my birthday I know. Busy.

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