Sunday, May 18, 2008

Monthly teaser check in

hahaha! yes I've been uber busy and haven't had time to dedicate to my blog..... but I will.... maybe tonight, maybe not tonight....... a lot has happened too.....yesterday was me and my lovely girl friend's sixth month anniversary. I got her a lovely jade pendant, I'll post a pic later, and she got me WWE tickets (I won't post a pic later). Apparently she had a lot of people in on it.... First her and her co-worker brainstormed as to what I would like..... (WWE is coming to town and she knows I like WWE so that was her idea). Then before she could buy them the thought that I might already have tickets popped into her head.... so she emailed my Aunt Margie and got the Parental Units home contact info.... however they were at the coast.... so on date night, she sent me off to the mailbox (it is not right out side my house) and went through my cell and found Dad's cell... she wrote it down and called him later. First the Unit was confused, he told my GF to ask me... then when she explained it was a surprise gift for our 6 months, he understood. So he called John. John then called me, asked if I wanted to hang out that night, we had tacos and he worked in WWE and then asked about the tickets.... with no tickets in my future he called the Unit, who called my GF and she bought the tickets. Pretty good seats too... third row up from Ringside....Not ringside, but better as it will be up a riser so I can get pictures more than likely. I will also be wearing a belt if they allow it as will the GF.

As my Dad put it, I have found a special lady, it is not just any girl that buys her man WWE tickets lol.